Saturday, November 5, 2011

Well, There is Dirt

Instead of making a "muddin' cake," I decided to make a construction themed cake instead. Less messy, but still has some dirt on it.

The first muddin' cake I made had lots of mess on it, and it wasn't very brightly colored. This is for a one year old's birthday, so I wanted to integrate some bright colors into the cake.

The little guy's favorite toy is Chuck the Truck, so I thought a dump truck and a construction theme would be closer.

It turned out really cute... But, when I put it in the box, the front was damaged. :( I was not happy. I think it's pretty easy to fix, but still. I'm not happy about that. :(

This is a chocolate cake with no filling. I used chocolate buttercream frosting. The "dirt" is made out of low -fat Oreos. Something I discovered about using low-fat instead of regular: when I crush the regular, I have a uniform color - dark brown. With the low-fat kind, there is more white and it's a lighter color. It's better as dirt. I used pretzels for the stack of wood and the orange fencing around the outside of the cake is orange colored candy coating. I used silver sprinkles for the gravel under the jeep and cement truck. I found the trucks at my local dollar store.

The biggest issue I had was writing on the cake. I made a couple mounds of dirt and the frosting rolled off as I tried to write on the cake. So, I made a sign instead. It looks kind of like one of those "The future home of..." signs that are always around construction sites.

Hope they like it.

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