Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Very Merry Christmas

Christmas was an awesome two days of busy-ness, baking, and family. My family is a wee crazy, and we always have something exciting happen. This year, two new babies made our Christmas very exciting and fun. Both girls, and everyone bought them noisy toys and babies. Next year, we will have another two new babies, and the two we already have! Our family is growing.

Cake pops are on hold until I can restock. My supplies are nearly empty, and I am extremely happy that I can take a short break for a bit. I worked at six bazaars this year and just about killed myself. LOL. I have a plan in place to prevent that next year, so hopefully that will work!

Two more weeks before school starts and I'll be slammed busy again.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wore out Baker

Thankfully, the holiday bazaar season is over. It's been a hectic three months. I've done nothing but roll pops and bake cakes. I'm completely wore out. It was definitely fun, though. I can't wait for next year. I'm sure I'll make even more pops!

I've been talking things over with my parents, trying to figure out a way to make this more permanent. I've been looking into mobile kitchens for awhile. The one I had my eye on about six months ago has reduced in price. I have to do some heavy duty tracking in order to obtain an SBA loan for the mobile kitchen. This one is perfect for me, except for two tiny pieces of equipment: a deep fryer and a grill. I'm not about to start deep frying cake pops. Blech. LOL It's small, but I really like it.

So, if you are a praying person, add me to your prayer list. I need to know if I should go forward with this. I love baking, I am having a ball with cake pops, and I need to have a permanent solution to kitchen space.