Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Physical Setbacks

Today, I developed one of those headaches that saps all the strength out of a body. I left work and skipped my super fun French class because of it. I ate something, took some Tylenol, and I've been drinking water. But, none of it helped. The headache went away for a while, but it's now back and sapping more energy.

However, I have a cake to finish. Tonight, I baked my 6" cake. It is chilling. I am currently making fondant. I attempted making a chocolate fondant to make the black for the Fleur de lis, but it was so dry I couldn't add enough water back into it.

So, I decided I'd just dye it black and tell the Bride not to eat it. However, a little niggling thought crept in: try using just a spoonful of cocoa powder at a time. So, I did. The result is much better, although, the chocolate flavor is not there. That's fine. It's less food coloring.

It is still mixing, but I think it will turn out fine.

I have one more batch of pure white to make, then it's off to bed to rest my head. In the morning, I do not work. I will mix the ivory and hopefully cut out the black. I also have a very small cake pop order to fill. One dozen. I can handle that. The cake is already made and everything.

So, in the morning, I will begin assembling the layers and preparing them for fondant.

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